Vera Frolova
Scientific Director

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent

Former Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Park Construction of MSTU. Bauman.

Engineer of garden and landscape construction.

Educational background: Moscow State Forest University.

The total period of duty is 19 years

Author of over 60 publications on the Project's theme in the field of landscape architecture.

Oksana Chernyshenko
Project's Chief Ecologist

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Garden-Park Construction MF MSTU. Bauman.

Participated in international research projects: «Gas resistance of woody plants» (I.N.R.A. Nancy, Champenou, Atmospheric Air Pollution Laboratory of France), «Stability of Trembling Poplar (aspen)» (Johann Heinrich von Tunen Institute of Forest Genetics, FRG)participation in the research work on the topic: «Development of a scientifically-based methodology for the intellectual management of the green fund of the city of Moscow» State contract with the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow (2018-2021).

About 100 scientific publications on the project have been published by her, including Scopus and Web of Science. Member of the University Commissions on Informatization and Automation, Innovative Development, Head of the Fundamental Scientific Topic «Development of systems of intellectual analysis of information and support of decision-making under conditions of introduction of innovative approaches and technologies in educational process».

Yevgeny Komarov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent.

Head of the Department «Information and Measuring Systems and Technologies of Instrumentation» MF MSTU. Bauman.

Member of the University Commissions on Informatization and Automation, Innovative Development, Head of the Fundamental Scientific Topic «Development of systems of intellectual analysis of information and support of decision-making under conditions of introduction of innovative approaches and technologies in educational process».

Yevgeny has more than 60 scientific and educational publications on the project topic, co-author of 2 monographs and more than 40 patents on inventions.

Andrei Batarin
Landscape Architect

Educational background:

Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (2019),

Garden Engineer Moscow State Forest University, (2014), Landscape Architecture Technologist,

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Canada (2010).

Practiced in the field of landscape architecture since 2010 in Canada, Russia, Great Britain and Japan. Participated in the development of such objects as: Gorka Park, Park in the floodplain of the Bitsa River, the concept of use and development of Patriarchal Ponds in Moscow, Central Park of Culture and Leisure in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Participated in the social design of public spaces in the city of Chengdu, China.

Ekaterina Kutyova
Landscaping and improvement Engineer

Educational background:

Moscow State University of Forestry (2004) Qualification Engineer. Specialty «Garden-park and landscape construction»,

Postgraduate study in the Department of landscape architecture and garden-park construction (2015)

Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Master in direction: Landscape architecture (2019)

Advanced training in Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov under the program «Creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city conditions»;

Professional development in HSE under the program «Management of state and municipal procurement»

Experience of work of the deputy head of the department for environmental and garden-park work of the Moscow State University. «Park «Zaryad`e».

Supervision of the implementation of the project in the part of improvement. Participation in the commission on acceptance of the facility into operation.

Development of regulations for the operation of the park area. Maintenance of a schedule of care works. Work in the electronic document management system of the Moscow Government. Preparation of materials for specialized sections of the park site.

Development of flora and fauna in the park, interaction with scientific organizations, environmental monitoring. Interaction with operating organizations.

Claim work on the operation of the facility. Commissioning of the greenhouse complex: formation of staff, preparation of job descriptions, conclusion of contracts for those. maintenance, preparation of the plan of financial and economic activity of the greenhouse.

Veronica Bereznyuk
Content Manager

Educational background:

Vyatka State Pedagogical University.

Experience in developing custom strategies for mobile applications and managing PR support projects.

The teacher is a psychologist.

Deputy Director of Development

Expert Competencies in the Fields:

• Forest Industry and Forest Bioenergy Complex

• Investments in Forestry Projects

• Management of Forestry Enterprises

• Timber Raw

• Material and Finished Forest Product Markets

Mikhail Ukhov
Head of Project

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Head of the Research Group of the Moscow State Forest University

Education: Master’s degree in forestry, Moscow State Forest University

Management of territorial development (RANEP2012) - 2016

Advisor to the General Director of State Corporation «Rosatom» - 2009-2011

Expert of the Department of Regional Cooperation «Rosatom» 2011-2020

Founder of the company «Planeters» (engineering of ecosystem services)

Climate Project Expert.

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